Bedford County , Pennsylvania
Cemetery Locations

Bedford County Cemeteries are shown in the following current township locations - - -

(Maps used are prepared by the Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation)

The township maps are completed, however the listings of the cemetery locations has just begun. Check the Monroe Twp. or Providence Twp. locations to see how the cemeteries will be displayed as they are added to the township maps. Please contact me with any additions or corrections that you may have.

Bedford Twp.
Bloomfield Twp.
Broad Top Twp.
Colerain Twp.
Cumberland Valley Twp.
Harrison Twp.
Hopewell Twp.
Juniata Twp.
Kimmel Twp.
King Twp.
Liberty Twp.
Lincoln Twp.
Londonderry Twp.
Mann Twp.
Monroe Twp.
Napier Twp.
East Providence Twp.
West Providence Twp.
Snake Spring Twp.
Southhampton Twp.
East St. Clair Twp.
West St. Clair Twp.
Union Twp.
Woodbury Twp.
South Woodbury Twp.

To print any of the above maps, select the township page and after the page loads, right click on the image of the township map and select the "save image as" option. After the image is stored on your computer, you may then use any of your print program options to make your handy, portable, paper copy. You may also use this method to inform me of a "new" cemetery location that you would like to add to this page. Print out a copy of the township map and mark the location of the "new" cemetery and label it and mail it to me and I'll place it on the web page. You could also e-mail a modified image to me. There are many options, for further information, please contact me.

For Geographic Locations of some of the major Bedford County, Pa. Cemeteries



Today we walked where others walked
On a lonely, windswept hill;
Today we talked where others cried
For Loved Ones whose lives are stilled.
Today our hearts were touched
By graves of tiny babies;
Snatched from the arms of loving kin,
In the heartbreak of the ages.
Today we saw where the grandparents lay
In the last sleep of their time;
Lying under the trees and clouds -
Their beds kissed by the sun and wind.
Today we wondered about an unmarked spot;
Who lies beneath this hollowed ground?
Was it a babe, child, young or old?
No indication could be found.
Today we saw where Mom and Dad lay.
We had been here once before
On a day we'd all like to forget,
But will remember forever more.
Today we recorded for kith and kin
The graves of ancestors past;
To be preserved for generations hence,
A record we hope will last.
Cherish it, my friend; preserve it, my friend,
For stones sometimes crumble to dust
And generations of folks yet to come
Will be grateful for your trust.

(From the US GEN WEB Tombstone Project)

This is a project, that by itself could take one person many years to complete; however, if we all contribute a bit, then the result can be quite helpful to everyone. If you would like to add a cemetery location - or perhaps a picture - to one of these township maps, please contact me for directions for submittal.
Copyright © 1999 - 2006 Tom Clabaugh