Bedford County , Pennsylvania |
Photos of People & Places |
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Chaneysville, PA.
- early 1900s
Chaneysville, Pa.
- Oct. 1999
The above (upper) photo was taken
in Chaneysville, Bedford County, Pa., in the early (I think) 1900's.
Can anyone identify the building facing us on the left?
(Oct 20, 1999)-
Regina Williams of Chaneysville, PA. has identified the store
on the left as belonging to Harry Aaron. For a closer look
at the people on the porches of the two stores above. (Close-up) This may take a few minutes to load, but I think
they're great. You'll also get to see a bit of the Hotel in the
Notice the Hotel in the background
in both pictures. The store on the right was Fred Tewell's
General Store. A different view of Tewell's General Store
is shown below. Photos were not taken at the same time, but in
the same time period. Notice the sign has been changed over the
steps. I was told just recently that the Tewell General Store burned
down several years ago. -
For those who would like to
have a closer look at the people on the front porch of the Fred
Tewell Store - (Close-up). This may take
a minute or so to down-load, but it's worth the wait.
Below is a
photo taken at about the same time as two of the above. Perhaps
someone can explain where the photographer was standing in order
to get this perspective. The original is quite faded and so it
lacks a bit of detail, but it shows an overall view of Chaneysville
in the early 1900's. You can spot two covered bridges to perhaps
give you some clues. . . .

Chaneysvile M. E. Church in the early 1900s. The Chaneysville
Community Church October 1999.
The first picture below was
taken in 1929 and I believe it to be the previous home of William
Knee in
Chaneysville. He had been living in Ohio for quite a few years
and was back for a visit when this picture was taken.
- Back
for a visit and took this picture from the M.E. Church parking
lot. (October 1999)
- The Sweet Root Inn Hotel
as it appeared in May, 2000
- __________________________________________________________________________________
- (Added
Nov 11, 1999)
- The
following is a map of Chaneysville taken from the 1877 "County
Atlas of Bedford Pennsylvania"
- published
by F. W. Beers & Co., 36 Vesey Street, New York.
- Item
#1 on the map is the Sweet Root
Inn Hotel
(seen in the background of pictures one and two
- and
directly above).
- Item
# 2 on the map is the store
in pictures 1 & 2 (owned by Harry Aaron at the time the pictures were taken).
- Home
(#3) was owned (in 1877)
by William Knee's father Phillip Knee, who was born in 1826
and died in
- Chaneysville
in 1892. Phillip first married Elizabeth Lenchbaugh who was born in 1833. By the time this
- was
made, Phillip's wife was Mary Jay
who was born in 1843 and died in 1890. Elizabeth had died in
1866 and
- Phillip
remarried in about 1870. Phillip was the father of at least 18
children, 9 with both Elizabeth & Mary.
- Item
#4 is the William Henry
Knee home that is shown in
the pictures directly above.
- The
Chaneysville M. E. Church (pictures above) is item # 5 on the map.
The following
photo was taken at the Chaneysville Normal School on June 23,
1908 according to the writing on the slate being held by the young
lady in the front row. Can someone identify any of the people
in the photo?
The following
picture is also a Chaneysville School Photo (I suspect also a
normal school class). There appears to be at least one person
in common in these two school pictures. The person in the first
row, extreme left, appears to be the same in both pictures. Three
of my relatives are in the photo below:
Conda Roy Knee (1886-1956) son of William
Henry Knee (1853-1932) (who was
a cabinet maker and undertaker in Chaneysville) and Elisa Hamilton (1857-1888) is seated
in the first row, second from the left.
Norman W. Cooper (1882-1954) son of George
W. Cooper (1854-1938) (who was
a well known carpenter in southern Bedford County) and Sarah Catherine
Mundwiler (1854-1939) is in the
second row, third from the left.
Effie May Cooper (1886-1975) daughter
of George and Sarah Cooper. The Cooper parents lived
their last years in a home on the corner (next to the church)
in Clearville, Pa. Effie is sitting next to her brother (fourth
from the left in the second row).
Conda Knee and Effie Cooper married a couple years
after this picture was taken (1911) and two years later, moved
to Shelby, Richland County, Ohio.
is a related photo on the Puzzle Page 3
Perhaps you
recognize some more of the people in these photos. If so, please
contact me and I'll be pleased to add the additional information.
I suspect that I'm not alone in feeling that I was negligent in
not inquiring in more detail from my relatives about the identity
of these and other people in photographs that have now come to
be in my possession. Perhaps this is way that we can attach names
to individuals that can no longer inform us themselves.
- Would anyone
care to comment on this photo? It was in a group of photos of
the Chaneysville area, but I can't be sure of that relationship.
There is no writing on the reverse.
- ________________________________________________________________________________________
11, 1999) In
the spirit of the above photo, the following picture was submitted
by Velma Defibaugh, Clair Crawford, and Dan & Doris Perrin. The photo belonged to Dan's mother Ruth
/ Perrin.
The photo is of the William R. Hymes
family who lived in the vicinity of Artemas and Elbinsville (just
a few miles south of Chaneysville). Velma says that the man standing
in the wagon is Marion (Bub) Ruby.
Clair's comment about the picture is that "farm animals sometimes
had to do double duty".
you very much Dan, Doris, Velma, and Clair for sharing the photo.
If anyone has more information on the William R. Hymes family
or more about this photo, please feel free to send your comments.
you have a Bedford County picture that you know would be enjoyed,
or perhaps want help in identifing people or places in the photo,
I would be happy to post it on this page.
- __________________________________________________________________________________
- next page
I am
very interested in receiving your comments, suggestions and any
information that you would care to share. For information on sending
a copy of the photo, or for any additional comments, please contact
me at:
© 1999 Tom Clabaugh